Dear Earth

Oh my love
I cry to thee!
How can you ever
forgive me?

I swear I adore
all that you are.
But I am weak and can’t
meet your bar.

For you are glorious
across your lands,
and I am careless
with my stupid hands.

You create wonder
with every nook and space.
And I wreak havoc
with my smoke and waste.

From your flowing waters
to your fluttering birds,
I stand in awe…
I hear every word.

Yet, I fail to change.
And continue to derange.
Now I stand shocked
To find you feel estrange?

Is it too late for us to agree?
I realize now, the problems are…me.
Give me a chance to make amends,
Oh please don’t issue your final decree.

Let me love you the way that you need.
I swear I will cherish every seed.
I will teach our children a better way,
So they won’t live like me, full of greed.


For the Daily Prompt ~ Earth.

Happy Earth Day dear followers. May you have a glorious day:)

5 thoughts on “Dear Earth

  1. Pingback: NaPoWriMo – Day 22 – “Mother Nature Deserves To Be Nurtured” by David Ellis | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

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