Simple, Pure and Sweet

I find that I am drawn to simple, pure and sweet things. There is no need for fancy, elaborate things in my life. Sure, I enjoy beauty and finery. I am simple saying, I do not need those things to be happy.

After having spent a few years of my life deployed to foreign countries, I have seen poverty. I have seen real need. So I have learned to treasure the small things in life. Now, if you look at these two pictures, you may think, Godiva is not simple. Perhaps. But, the particular treat I was drawn to was just some berries in a chocolate bowl and topped with drizzle. To me, that was simple. It was pure. And, it was definitely sweet. Compared to the much more elaborate baked goods and chocolates, this was the most appealing to me.

It made me realize, this is a theme I carry out in other areas of my life as well. I crave simplicity. I hate when people overcomplicate things. I avoid elaborate plans. My theory is make it simple and make it count. This theory can be applied to nearly every facet in life too: eating habits, loving relationships, work plans, and friendships. For me, it is how I choose to embrace life. For if I cannot appreciate what little wonders are before me, why would God ever trust me with more?

For Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge ~ Challenger’s Choice (Food).

7 thoughts on “Simple, Pure and Sweet

  1. Pingback: Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge: Challenger’s Choice (Architecture) | Lens and Pens by Sally

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