Finding the glory of ordinary

I find that almost anything can be photographed. It just takes a little imagination and a variety of perspectives.

Take this ring holder. It may be bedazzaled with some fake bling and fairly cute. However, to get interesting photos of it, I had to move around.

I once had a photography mentor who said, “Think about what most people would do to take a picture of something. Then, do the opposite.”

Trying to live up to that all the time is hard though. I am sure I am not completely original all the time. But that is ok too. My goal is not to be the most quirky, unique photographer in the world. Sure, I would love to photograph exotic places and stunningly gorgeous people. However, for now, I just want to develop my skills each day so that I can make the ordinary interesting, the bland compelling and the pretty extraordinary.


Then one day, if I happen to run into a batch of super human people who defy the normal bounds of beauty in some stunningly exotic paradise…I will be ready. But until then, I can find enough beauty right here in my life:)


For Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge ~ Black and White


4 thoughts on “Finding the glory of ordinary

  1. Pingback: Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge: Black and White (Street Art, Art for the Masses) | Lens and Pens by Sally

  2. Nato, indeed, the ordinary can be made extraordinary. It takes a new way of seeing, as you have expressed. It’s an important life lesson: to discover the unexpected in the expected. Enjoyed your view about the world around you, and the unexamined everyday objects. Happy Photo Challenge.

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