Hunt the Good Stuff

Resiliency is a hot topic in the military the past few years. With several deployments, budget cuts and ever-changing situations, everyone, not just Soldiers, needs to strong, patient, and resourceful. I have been through some hard times in my life, but I have also been quite blessed. I am sure there are stories out there of someone having it worse and someone having it better. But here is the thing, I am not in a competition. I don’t care to ‘one-up’ people with my stories of dispair or success. All I can do is tell my journey.

Dealing with your own journey is a key step in being resilient, at least for me. I can only live my life. I can’t fix others, change my past or take back my mistakes. All I have is today. And, if I am lucky, the day after. So dealing with my present gives me hope for my future.

I also find that when I am stressed or irritated, I find balance in certain things. I enjoy reading, writing, and taking pictures. And often, I like to do these things outside. I find myself more at peace in nature. I become more aware of the world. I see how I am just a tiny piece of this huge planet. The world continues without me, does not revolve around me, and it doesn’t even slow down when I am sad. Go figure.

When I am outside, I get a break from the problems. It grounds me to what is important. I can even say, it opens my eyes to the wonder of life. There is endless beauty in world. Sometimes it is as tiny as the little raindrops on leaves or the little berries on bushes, but nonetheless, it is there. Yeah sure, there is plenty of ugliness too. Sometimes that is overwhelming as we can’t control those with evil hearts and personal agendas. But, I can control me and refuse to contribute to the ugliness.

To do this though, I have to be resilient and hunt the good things in life life. No matter small they may be, they help center me, give me hope. And with hope, all things are possible. No, I am not in a position to solve world hunger or stop political ridiculousness, but, in my little corner of the world I can do a lot. I can share stories that may give someone hope or laughter. I can be a caring and loving mother. I can be a worthy friend. I can stand tall as a Reserve Soldier and carry myself to the expected standards. I can work hard at my civilian job and earn my pay. I can take wonderful pictures for people, giving them treasured memories of their loved ones. I can be a kind stranger to those I pass. I can hold my tongue when what I think will not help the situation. I can refrain from acting out of anger and spite. Overall, I can be a good person.


For the Phonegraphy and Non-SLR Digital Devices Photo Challenge at Lens and Pens by Sally. Challenge guidelines can be found by clicking the badge below.

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11 thoughts on “Hunt the Good Stuff

  1. Pingback: Phoneography and Non-SLR Digital Devices Photo Challenge: Nature (Signs of Spring from Australia) | Pilot Fish

  2. Pingback: Phoneography and Non-SLR Digital Devices Photo Challenge: Nature (in Black and White and Creative Tension) | Lens and Pens by Sally

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